
OHSAS 18001

Health and Safety Management System in Work


Energy Team focused on health & safety of its collaborators and stakeholder, in order to increase steadily quality standards of business activities. From test design to developed technological solutions, from handling to their functional boot, from service delivery to the management of administrative processes and to maintenance of the devices in field, each resource is involved in tasks and environments that require a complex process of risk assessment related to their performance, whose estimate according to different laws dealing with safety in work place – from Legislative Decree 626/94 to Legislative Decree 81/08- has however, always been made.

Through a wider analysis of internal processes and of external factors potentially dealing with safety or even “only” with welfare of the staff who is interacting with the Company – employees but also works and services suppliers, customers, occasional visitors, etc. – we proceeded to the identification of requirements, objectives, instruments, proceedings, sources and responsibilities, elements which are now effectively reorganized into a Management System (SGSL) complying with the current laws and consistent with International Standard OHSAS 18001, whose implementation will allow to attest both the compliance of laws and to take advantage of an efficient tool for systematic monitoring and consequent reduction of risks imposed on the workers which are in the company for different reasons, or – in production contexts outside, if they are expressly charged by Energy Team SpA.

The Company and the employees, by giving effect to the Policy stating in which they identify with, they made a commitment to promote and maintain, each one to their own competence, environmental conditions and work practices aimed to prevent and minimize the risks for health and safety of all interested subjects, and aimed to ensure to Customers, Suppliers and the whole community the Privacy Policy of the Company. The suitability of the System to the objective requirements will be ensured over time by its continuous evolution, for which we’ll proceed by integrating systematically ideas and factors consequent to technological developments, organizational changes, regulatory interventions, adoption of additional best practices and against every other circumstance aimed to affect the prevention effectiveness of ‘Risks Management’ in place.

The attainment of BS OHSAS 18001:2007 (“Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series”) Certification, fixed the achievement of a new important goal on our growth path; a significant path yet always intermediate, from which we start by turning strongly to new targets for the continuous improvement of our performances.